MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel. It is a design pattern that facilitates the separation of concerns in user interface development. MVVM is particularly prevalent in frameworks like Angular, Vue.js, and Knockout.js.
Model: Represents the data and business logic of the application.
View: Represents the user interface elements.
ViewModel: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It exposes data from the Model to the View and contains the presentation logic.
How to use MVVM Pattern in Front-End?
// Model.jsx
class BookModel {
constructor () {
this.books = [
name: "Web Crawler Learning with Python",
author: "Park"
}, {
name: "Building servers and clients with JavaScript",
author: "Yu"
}, {
name: "Blockchain project",
author: "Kim"
add (book) {
remove (idx) {
let temp = this.books[idx]
this.books[idx] = this.books[this.books.length-1]
this.books[this.books.length-1] = temp
return this.books.pop()
update (idx, book) {
this.books[idx] = book
get (idx) {
return this.books[idx]
getAll () {
return this.books
export default BookModel
// ViewModel.jsx
class BookViewModel {
constructor (model) {
this.model = model
getAll () {
return this.model.getAll()
get (idx) {
return this.model.get(idx)
remove (idx) {
return this.model.remove(idx)
export default BookViewModel
// App.jsx (View)
import BookViewModel from './ViewModel'
import BookModel from './Model'
function BookView (props) {
let books = props.viewModel.getAll()
return (
<div className="form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Search"/>
<button className="search">Search</button>
<button className="create">Create</button>
<div className="list">
{, idx) => (
<li key={idx}>
onClick={() => props.viewModel.remove(idx)}
style={{color: 'red'}}
function App() {
const bookModel = new BookModel()
const bookViewModel = new BookViewModel(bookModel)
return (
export default App;
Pros and Cons of using MVVM Pattern
Separation of Concerns: MVVM promotes a clear separation between the presentation logic(ViewModel) and the user interface(View), enhancing code maintainability.
Testability: With MVVM, the ViewModel can be easily tested in isolation from the View, facilitating unit testing.
Reusability: ViewModels can be reused across different Views, promoting code reusability.
Enhanced Developer Experience: MVVM encourages a structured approach to front-end development, making it easier for developers to collaborate and maintain codebases.
Learning Curve: Adopting MVVM may require a learning curve for developers who are unfamiliar with the pattern.
Overhead: Implementing MVVM may introduce additional overhead, especially in small or simple projects, leading to unnecessary complexity.